
Thursday, 8 September 2016


Once upon a time  there was a Knights  called jaek and he  lived in a stone cashe one day he went into the haunted wood and he saw a ghost there the ghost killd the knight. Next the ghost went into the  rainbow castle then the ghost  took the princess and then he put the princess in the pot finally the witches of eastwick went down to have a party with the ghost. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Pot of gold

Once upon a time there was a called jaek Dragons  cllad jaek and he lived in a stcne casthe one day the  dragons looked bown and  he saw  a beauhful rainbow he flew down to the rainbow and the re was a finally jaek took the pot of gold home.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

The robot

Once upon a time they was a robot on planet Mars anb then he got lost on planet Mars one day he got lost then some aliens came and took him home the Aliens took him in space ship for an vadventure to kfc finally He had an the kfc and He went home?

Monday, 4 July 2016

Jack the leopard

Once upon a time there was a leoparb calleb Jack anb He live in a jungle Next Jack was so hot Jack found a river anb then He hab a Beautful bay swim finally Jack went home to go to sleep.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Alien adventures

Once wpon tjme there was an pJpen anb He hab a rok  ship' one bay He  foub Hels his rocket sLup rok anb He flew home Finally He went  to sleep.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Friday, 27 May 2016

Te Tuhi

Room 25 went to Te Tuhi on a bus Next  we maDe out of  houses  shppes  After thpt B wont After thpt wB went  Art Gallery to the prt ypllpry.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Here the leaves I have drWn,

Autumn leaves

On a warm and sunny Monday morning room 25 went to the park by the pond.  First we Got our I- pQbs anb Linebwp outside on the beck , next we walked to the park, finally we took photos of the leaves,